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What Is the Best Blue Eyes White Dragon Deck

Deck Information
Deck Type: Non-Meta Decks
Deck Master: Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon
Submission Date: November 25th 2021
Last Updated: November 26th 2021
Author: xKirawinsx
YGOPRODeck File Download
High Quality Decks

Detailed breakdown of why everything is run in this deck and how everything functions. If you're new to Blue Eyes or want a succinct breakdown for a meta competitive deck, you're in the right place.

Deck and structural information below created by Teng, the Nexus Blue Eyes legend.

Main Deck:

  • Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the core of what makes the deck function. Most cards rely on this card to get summoned out or play out their effects.
  • Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon is an easy card to summon out and it can target a card for destruction. This card counts as a Blue-Eyes White Dragon when it is on the field and/or the graveyard so it can unlock other cards in the decks effects when in either location.
  • Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon is a card that at base will always protect all other cards from destruction when it is on the field regardless of anything else. When you have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field or in the graveyard it can also unlock all of its other effects, which includes a special summon whenever something is destroyed and a bounce before battle step. This card provides a lot of defense to your field. Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon compliments well with this card.
  • Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon is a generic dragon extender that can usually help you make more plays depending on what the game state is.
  • Chaos Dragon Levianeer is much like Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon that it can extend plays with its revival, but it can also provide destruction if you need it, which can also proc Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon.
  • Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon searches for Polymerization when it is summoned and can search basically any of the high level dragons on the end of your turn to set yourself up potentially for your next turn.
  • Dragon Spirit of White is a targeting banish toward the backrow and bypasses destruction protection.
  • The Tyrant of D. can mill a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, can send a card from your hand to the grave to revive a Blue-Eyes monster, and is one of the best starters in the deck. You can also pick what the opponent attacks if you have a Blue-Eyes monster on the field with it.
  • White Stone of Ancients can special summon out any of your Blue-Eyes monsters at the end of your turn. This can plant Blue-Eyes White Dragon onto the field to enable effects, summon out Abyss to draw a Polymerization and a dragon, get out Jet, or summon Dragon Spirit of White to pop a card with its banish.
  • White Stone of Legend has you draw a Blue-Eyes White Dragon whenever it is sent to the graveyard.
  • Sage with Eyes of Blue can discard and target an effect monster on your side of the field to summon the same dragons listed for White Stone of Ancients or it can be normal summoned to search for White Stone of Legends, which Tyrant can then toss, White Stone of Ancients, Maiden with Eyes of Blue, and even Effect Veiler if you choose to run that. Sage works amazingly well with Tyrant.
  • Maiden with Eyes of Blue is mainly here for the potential utility she has with Sage for potential Xyz or link plays. She also works well with Apparition to get more cards onto the field.
  • Return of the Dragon Lord is a revive that gives destruction protection. It can protect one or all of your dragons from immediate destruction, be it from battle or card effects, one time. Combine this with Jet and you could retain your protection on the field even if they manage to have had a pop on Jet.
  • Harpie's Feather Duster is because you only have two other forms of backrow removal in this deck in the way of Dragon Spirit of White or Ultimate Fusion.
  • Polymerization flows well with Abyss as it can be searched by it and it can work in conjunction with Ultimate Fusion to get out more than one fusion for a turn.
  • Melody of Awakening Dragon is your main search that can search most of your high level dragons. It opens up a lot of your plays and opens up the engine along with Sage and the Stones.
  • Upstart Goblin allows you to either potentially bait a negate, draw a card after you've expended your searches, and thins the deck so you can get straight to your engine.
  • Monster Reborn is an extender that can revive legitimately anything from either graveyard. This can open up plays that may not have been possible before, recover a play that was negated, or simply revive a boss monster or key monster from your opponent's graveyard to enhance your field or disrupt them.
  • Forbidden Droplet allows you to break boards and compliments Blue-Eyes due to how Stones and Sage functions. You can also generally discard some high level dragons for no issues like Jet, Abyss, or Spirit because they generally don't do much in hand.

  • Ultimate Fusion, along with Polymerization, unlocks your fusions in your deck. The spell itself also can destroy face up cards, which can also be used to trigger Jet. The card does send cards that you use back to the deck, so be careful not to send all of your Blue-Eyes if you have other cards dependent on having one either on the field or in the graveyard or they will be crippled.

  • Apparition with Eyes of Blue allows you to reveal a Blue-Eyes White Dragon to summon a monster from your hand. You can combine this with Maiden to trigger her effect, Levianeer after using its effect for potential extra deck manipulation, or whatever else you need at the time.
  • Ultimate Creature of Destruction gives total immunity to any Blue-Eyes monster. This can be combined with Jet to ensure its destruction protection remains active for the whole turn. Keep in mind this does not protect against Kaiju.
  • True Light is basically Eternal Soul for Blue-Eyes so it can search a Blue-Eyes spell/trap card or summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your hand or graveyard.

Extra Deck:

  • Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon is the best Ultimate Dragon form that Blue-Eyes has due to its power, its protections, and its ability to pop between 1-3 cards.
  • Blue-Eyes Twin Burst is immune to battle destruction and anything it attacks is subjected to being banished if it survives.
  • Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon is immune to traps, can attack every monster the opponent has on the field, and can retrieve trap cards from your graveyard.
  • Baroness De Fleur works is an omni-negate that can revive anything lower level than her after her negate runs out to either be remade again, to revive a combo piece, or to perhaps retrieve another boss monster you had lost or used up.
  • Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon protects all dragons from destruction and prevents your opponent from targeting your dragons. It only applies to the dragons that were on the field when it had first been summoned and it does not count as a Blue-Eyes monster, so keep those things in mind.
  • Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon is a floodgate that prevents two monster from being summoned at once from either side of the field. This limits what an opponent can do already, but it can also negate an effect activated in the graveyard and can tag out to another light dragon, such as Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon.
  • Crystron Halqifibrax can summon a tuner and tags out into Formula Synchron for the Baroness play.
  • Formula Synchron combines with a Blue-Eyes monster after Needlefiber tags out for it to create Baroness.
  • Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder is a field wipe, it's a send so destruction protection does not save monsters, that is made off of Dingirsu.
  • Dingirsu is a non-targeting send and protects other cards from destruction much like Return does, but it applies to more than just dragons. It can also attack a higher level monster, detach, and then become Zeus to make a play with Zeus.
  • Mekk Knight Crusadia Avramax can overcome most boss monsters, particularly ones with protections from destruction or targeting. With IP he can't be destroyed either on top of his natural ability to avoid targeting. For when he is killed, he can bounce back an opponent's card back to the deck.
  • Knightmare Unicorn is a targeting bounce to get around floating effects when monsters are sent to the graveyard. It also can work with IP to activate on the opponent's turn to bounce back a combo piece from the opponent to disrupt their plays. The discard could also be used to send one of your stones from hand to the graveyard.
  • IP Masquerena can work on the opponent's turn. This generally is done for Avramax or Unicorn here, but it can also potentially make Needlefiber in some cases to chain down toward Baroness.
  • Hieratic Seal tributes itself to bounce the opponent much like Unicorn. On top of the bounce it also can summon a dragon from your deck. (Jet)
  • Striker Dragon is mainly here to transform your stones into a link and for its compatibility with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal because then you don't have to banish your Stones to summon it out. Also can be used to transition into Hieratic Seal. Works better here than Linkuriboh.

Combos :

Combo 1 : Tyrant and Sage (2 card combo)

Other potential considerations to keep in mind:

  • Alternative being summoned if you either had Melody to search it or it was already in hand. You would use this instead of Jet for the Baronne play.
  • Jet if you are playing on your opponent's turn because Alternative or another means could have proc'd its effect to jump in.
  • Any potential fusions plays depending on draws.
  • However many White Stone of Ancients you managed to manipulate into the grave via other means.
  • Maiden / Apparition could get more monsters fielded. This generally opens up plays into Dingirsu or Avramax without many issues.
  • Darkness Metal and Levianeer due to their basic functionality.
  • If you get Alternative and Jet out together, you can also go into Hieratic Seal and then play make into Needlefiber into the Spirit plays as necessary afterwards as well.
  • The times you make IP, you can use her with White Stone of Ancients to go into Unicorn plays for its bounce.

Combo 2 : Melody + Tyrant + Tuner ( 3 card combo ).

1) Special summon Tyrant by sending a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from grave. Field = Tyrant

2) Use Melody to search Blue-Eyes White Dragon + Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon.

3) Special summon Alternative White Dragon. Field = Tyrant + Alternative

4) Pitch the Blue-Eyes to summon one of the two in the grave to the field. Field = Tyrant + Alternative + Blue-Eyes

5) Summon Hieratic Seal. Field = Hieratic Seal + Tyrant

6) Summon tuner. Field = Hieratic Seal + Tyrant + Tuner

7) Make Needlefiber with tuner and Tyrant and activate its effect to summon White Stone of Ancients. Field = Hieratic Seal + Needlefiber + White Stone of Ancients

8) Make Striker Dragon. Field = Hieratic Seal + Needlefiber + Striker Dragon

9) Summon Jet/Abyss much like the previous combo and follow the same steps to Baroness. Field = Baroness + Hieratic Seal + Striker Dragon

*** = The main extension one would want here is Red-Eyes Darkness Metal because you could summon it on top of Striker Dragon to continue making more plays.

Cosmic Cyclone - The deck relies a lot on Dragon Spirit of White, Ultimate Fusion, and HFD to clear backrow so Cosmic Cyclone helps with this problem.

Effect Veiler - The most notable hand trap for Blue-Eyes White Dragon because Sage can search it and utilize it as an additional negate.

Nibiru - Helps the matchup against combo heavy decks.

Dark Ruler no more - In cases you face a deck that locks out graveyard, you need this over droplet or you may not be able to make any plays even with amazing hands.

Imperial Order - Locks down spell heavy decks and can be regained off Tyrant.

Super Polymerization - For when you face other Blue-Eyes or Dragon heavy decks because you can use their monsters to make your own.

Red Reboot - Prevents opponents from using traps.

Lightning Storm - Another option to deal with backrow or monsters as necessary.

Destined Rivals - This is like DRNM, but it can be used on your opponents turn and can be searched by True Light. It can only be used if you have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field, however.

Skill Drain - Negates all effects on field to allow you to take advantage of your high power dragons.

Toggle Deck List
Monster Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x1
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon x2
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon x1
Chaos Dragon Levianeer x1
Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon x1
Dragon Spirit of White x2
The Tyrant of D. x3
The White Stone of Ancients x3
The White Stone of Legend x1
Sage with Eyes of Blue x3
Maiden with Eyes of Blue x1
Spells Return of the Dragon Lords x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Polymerization x1
The Melody of Awakening Dragon x3
Upstart Goblin x1
Monster Reborn x1
Forbidden Droplet x3
Ultimate Fusion x3
Apparition with Eyes of Blue x1
Traps The Ultimate Creature of Destruction x1
True Light x1
Extra Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon x1
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon x1
Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon x1
Baronne de Fleur x1
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon x1
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon x1
Formula Synchron x1
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder x1
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star x1
Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax x1
Knightmare Unicorn x1
Crystron Halqifibrax x1
I:P Masquerena x1
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres x1
Striker Dragon x1
Side Nibiru, the Primal Being x1
Artifact Lancea x1
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x1
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion x1
Effect Veiler x1
Lightning Storm x1
Dark Ruler No More x1
Cosmic Cyclone x1
Super Polymerization x1
Piercing the Darkness x1
Evenly Matched x1
Destined Rivals x1
Imperial Order x1
Skill Drain x1
Red Reboot x1
